Winter Driving Lessons to Always Remember

The winters are coming soon and as we prepare for them, you need to keep a few lessons in mind when it comes to driving in such conditions. You could take some driving lessons if it is your first time driving on ice-filled roads. If you are an anxious driver, then there are specific driving lessons for anxious drivers at ProDriver2B Academy that are provided. Wondering what the difference is? We make sure to give you that extra confidence you need to drive in snowy conditions. In the meanwhile, since you cannot avoid driving in such situations, here are some lessons to always remember.

  1. 1. Avoid driving with one hand on the steering wheel, because you will need to use both your hands for better control while driving on the snow.
  2. 2. When you make a turn, do not speed. You need to slow down and drive at a normal speed. If you accelerate suddenly your tires could lose traction. Therefore, make sure you drive slowly no matter how anxious you are to get to your destination.
  3. 3. Always keep in mind that while turning, do not make any sudden steering wheel movements.
  4. 4. While driving even in normal conditions, you would have learned during your driving lessons that you should always maintain a safe distance from other cars. This is all the more a necessity while driving on snowy roads.
  5. 5. Make sure to brake in a straight line before a turn, and do it gradually. You should not brake during the turn.
  6. 6. In case you face the issue of your wheels locking and sliding, just release the brake pedal to recover traction, then slowly brake again. This is something that will especially be emphasized during the driving lessons for anxious drivers because they tend to get stressed in such situations.
  7. 7. If you can, do not change lanes in slush as it would not be a very safe option. Do it only if you have to and carefully.
  8. 8. If you are using chains, check for proper clearance between the tire and the vehicle, as well as the clearance between dual tires.

All these factors and more will be greatly emphasized during your driving lessons. So, make sure to enroll with ProDriver2B in case you are someone who suffers from a lot of anxiousness and we will make your journey a smooth one.

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